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Pabio Engineering Blog

Pabio Engineering Blog

Pabio ist im Herzen ein Technologieunternehmen, und unser Ingenieurteam teilt seine Erfahrungen bei der Entwicklung digitaler Produkte im Pabio Engineering Blog mit.

Fast GitHub Actions deployments for emergencies


We use Sapper and Svelte for the Pabio website, and we have a pretty comprehensive CI/CD build process. The process includes running unit tests, Cypress end-to-end tests, Lighthouse audits, Semantic Release versioning, and finally exporting a static version of the site which is then published.


Creating a Sapper blog using Strapi


We just published our first few blog posts, and after exploring several different content management systems, we decided to use Strapi. Strapi is an open-source headless CMS written in Node.js; it works with most database management systems and it’s super easy to deploy.